Missing Person Investigation

We have the capability to locate missing persons, from friends & relatives to fraud related vanishing. Our wide network of contacts and intensive search capabilities allow us to track down persons missing for any length of time. This service of ours ensures locating anyone who are missing, & could be relatives, heirs, witnesses, debtors, spouses, defendants, frauds or runaways.

We have an excellent record of tracking down persons who have been missing for long periods of time. Our success with such a wide range of possibilities is dependent upon the experience, reliable sources of information and proven skip tracing procedures. When we are hired to track down a missing person, it does not matter if their track has gone cold, we will find them for sure. Chopra Detective Agency

Our Services


Personal Investigation

Background, Career profile
Our range of personal investigation services cover the entire gamut of customer needs ranging verifying character backgrounds, career profiles to conducting surveillance of suspicious persons & investigating property details etc.


Marital Investigation

Pre/Post Marital Status
A number of marital alliances develop problems due to the suspected activities of life partners or unrevealed informations. Our Marital investigation services include pre-marital & post-marital inquiries.


Missing Persons

Locate missing person
We have the capability to locate missing persons, from friends & relatives to fraud related vanishing. Our wide network of contacts and intensive search capabilities allow us to track down persons missing for any length of time.


Corporate Investigation

Investiagtion for Corporate
We offer a wide range of investigative service to our corporate clients relating to various aspects of their operations. From investigating illegal activity by employees in the workplace to sourcing information about competitors,


Employment Investigation

Pre/Post Emp. Investiagtion
We Help for pre-employment to post-employment information requirements of employers. Our services include investigation on over all work attitude, work habits, eligibility for re-hire, responsibilities and duties, wages, social well-being, family & friend circle details, etc.


Financial Investigation

Financial Status Verification
Financial investigation covers a wide gamut of areas such as insurance frauds, bank account information, verification of movable and immovable assets, etc as it is very essential in cases related to claims of banking and non-banking finance companies.